Joseph Heinrich Beuys
1921 Krefeld - 1986 Düsseldorf
Joseph Beuys was a German action artist, sculptor, medalist, draftsman, art theorist and professor at the Düsseldorf Art Academy. He develops a socio-political, sometimes provocative approach to performance art. With his work, Beuys exerted a great influence on the development of art and became one of the most famous, but also one of the most controversial artists in Germany.
For Beuys, people were capable of positively changing society through creative processes, in the form of the so-called “Sozialen Plastik”, towards more humanity and creativity. Art = Human = Creativity = Freedom = Thinking = Plastic.
"Jeder Mensch ist ein Künstler.“ Joseph Beuys
Beuys is also regarded worldwide as one of the most important action artists of the 20th century and, according to his biographer Reinhard Ermen, can be seen as Andy Warhol's "ideal-typical opponent".
Offset-Lithography on Velum
Signed & dated
Real wood frame - custom made
Mirogard glass, UV 100, glare-free
FSC-certified timber, 100% Made in Germany, 100% Organic
Size 42,5 x 30,5 cm
Provenance | Artist`s Atelier, Private collection Germany, Private collection Portugal, Private Collection Germany
Differential taxation according to § 25a UStG. No taxes included. | Differenzbesteuerung nach § 25a UStG. Kunstgegenstände und Sammlungsstücke, Sonderregelung.